This Christmas marks 65 years for our Living Nativity!
Please make plans to come and participate this upcoming Advent/Christmas season!
Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendars!
Monday, July 25 – Wednesday, July 27
Invite your neighbors and friends to come!
Any ladies who would like to participate in a Chronological Bible Study are invited to join us on Mondays from 10:00-11:30 at Ramsey Memorial Church (Room 105). We will be doing an in-depth study starting in Acts. Please call Deborah at (804) 624-8390 for more details and questions. Please pray about joining us, we’d love to meet you!
Room 105
11-12 Fellowship/Bring your own lunch
12-2 Prayer/Bible Study
Are these words that easily flow off your tongue especially while a smile crosses your face?
If you are willing to say those simple words while monitoring the CLC lobby on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:05am one Sunday every 4-6 weeks, please contact Melissa, our Admin Assistant, at or 804-276-4682.
Training and additional instruction will be provided.
Our expenses continue whether we gather for worship or not.
Please mail your weekly contributions to our new address
Ramsey Memorial has opened a P.O. Box to receive mail.
Please change your records for all mail to be sent to:
Ramsey Memorial UMC
P.O. Box 75655
North Chesterfield, VA 23236
The deadline for entries into the monthly newsletter
is the 15th of the month.
Please email them to
for the next month’s newsletter.
Remember to save the stamps off of the envelopes for the UMW.
They collect stamps all year long and you can put your saved stamps in the box designated for them in the education wing foyer.